Saturday, June 26, 2010

more (food) adventures!

What a great week and weekend so far! This week was my second week on the floor at work, on dayshift, and it was a week thats for sure! There's soo much to learn when you start a new job- where things are, the equipment used, different policies and procedures, doctors and nurses names, phone numbers, who to call for what, the general flow of things, and the general feel of working there! It's so overwhelming! Things I normally could do so quickly and easily take so much longer and so much more effort! It's overwhelming, and stressful, and really makes me feel inadequate at times! But I know eventually it will get better once I am there more and feel more comfortable about how the floor works!

With that said, what a week! We went out last night for Tim's last night in Austin, and I got to experience a tiny bit of 6th street fun! We headed to Union Park, and had a great time! Here's a pic of Chris, Tim, and myself

Last weekend, Chris had some friends come over for drinks and card games, which was a blast! It felt good to kick back, relax, and enjoy some of the games from college! As well as staying up really late, trying to get back into a more nighht-shift oriented schedule! Kaylee decided that she wanted in on some of the action.....

Today Chris had the high school band camp final concerts, and all the bands did so well! Chris had to fill in some parts during his group's concert, but he got to come sit with me during the final Honor's Band (which was an exclusive by invite only all-state group of kids) and they were AMAZING! completely blew me away! I felt like we were listening to a professional symphony orchestra! After the concerts we got to eat some Pok-e-jos BBQ (which is traditional game day food for the UT Longhorn Marching band...) After BBQ, Chris and I headed home to change into swimsuits where we then headed to Deep Eddy Pool (a spring-fed pool thats a consistant 67-72*!!!!!) it was sooooo nice there! it will definitely be a saving grace this summer when the temps hit 100*+... After pool time, we made some miniburgers with a fabulous new miniburger grilling basket, and some homecooked buffalo chips! It felt like we were in Bdubs, but at home!

Annnndd, last but cdertainly not least, for a quick dinner after I got out of work late, Chris and I make a homemade pizza, yummm! My next food adventure is going to be attempting real homemade pizza dough I think... but the next best thing is buying real pizza dough from an Italian market/restaurant called Mandola's!

It's still very interesting to me how much of our togetherness revolves around food- thinking about it, planning meals, shopping for meals, cooking, eating, etc... Is this something that happens to every couple when they first start living together? I think we're just so excited to finally be able to cook for more than one person, and be able to cook some of the things we love to eat, that it's exhilarating when we prepare a meal that is not only healthy, but tastes good and turns out good too! It's just exciting to see what we can accomplish together! =)

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