Monday, November 9, 2009

itsa monday-nikki

today was interesting... good or bad interesting is left up for debate! im on vacay from the clinic, which is nice, because i have a week full of orientation for rainbow! today was corporate orientation day 1 which = sitting and listening to why UH hospitals are so awesome and why we're so lucky to work there... all day... shoot me now! it's amazing the rivalry between hospitals here- no one knew i was from the clinic or work there as my primary job, and there were little things here and there digging at the clinic from sooo many of the people there! i'm sorry, but last time i checked the clinic was a top ranked institution just like UH is, and is as large as UH is, and employs as many people in cleveland just like UH does.... if cleveland didnt have the clinic and UH, our economy situation would be SO much worse! i dont understand the digging at each other when we're all there to provide pt care and help people feel better- in addition to trying to stimulate our economy the only ways we can! i just had to bite my tongue with each comment, because there's good and bad each place, and the doctors and nurses who work in each place are human beings too, who have feelings and make mistakes and live lives just like our patients do... we are expected to be and act perfect, and to know everything, and i know we have lives at our hands, but it is the one industry with no room for mistakes which carrys a lot of responsibility and stress and feeling like needing to be absolutely perfect in everything! ok, sorry, got a little out of hand, lost my train of thought...

anyways, today was a monday- corporate orientation, got a vaccination record and successfully (i think) faxed it after 10 or so attempts, took my cat- hair filled comforter to the dry cleaners ($20 down the drain) and took a post-class diabetes test I almost forgot about (but if i pass i earn 16 CEUs! so im glad i remembered to take the class!) then i caught up on grays and flash forward, both amazing episodes but i think grays was sooo perfect, i scooped cat boxes, and stretched cuz i hurt my left hip somehow... (i really need to get to the gym) now im posting here and should be getting ready for bed soon! it is still sooo nice out- very comfortable and would be perfect sitting out and talking and drinking tea kinda night.... i miss my bf terribly- its only been 6.5 weeks since i last saw him and its going to be another 5 weeks, ughhh halfway through i guess but 5 weeks is a long time! i really cant wait for this to be over- this is soo hard! i really hope i can get my clinic and rainbow scheduled to mesh bc it will keep me busy enough for the time to fly (i hope!) and not drag- but who knows, it could drag too.... anyways, i miss him and need him in my life more than he is- we need it to be our time to grow and just be happy, but its not yet.... he's my best friend, and my future, and i want it to be now! ok, this is getting long and im just being whiney.... gnight world

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