Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies-Nikki

So, in honor of Maria who is in Pitea, Sweeden right now doing music study abroad, I am going to attempt to make chocolate chip pumpkin cookies for Fall and for her! So it's fall, right? and it's fall in Sweeden too with the trees changing and all, and what is fall? well it's pumpkin of course! and there is no pumpkin pie or canned pumpkin to cook with or anything pumpkin in Sweeden apparently. So it'd be almost a sin to not have pumpkin anything during the fall, so the easiest pumpkin mailable thing to Sweeden would have to be cookies! and Maria just tried to make chocolate chip pumpkin cookies to no avail in Sweeden, so that's what I'm going to try to make and send to her! My timing is terrible though becaused I'm starting a 3 night work stretch so I have to wait until Sunday to make them =( and now they sound really good to me so I might make a double or triple batch so I can eat lots, and I can send them to my boy in Texas too =) So goal for the weekend after work- make chocolate chip pumpkin cookies! yummmm

oh yeah, Chris is going to start blogging on here too so look for the name of who's blog post each entry is!


  1. Those sounds delicious! Let me know how they come out...or I can come over and try some. :-P

  2. love it!!! :) I can taste them from here!!!
